This article is for a diploma in mechanical engineering students. You’ll learn how you can study mechanical engineering, what subjects to focus on, and your career as a mechanical engineer.
Also, we are looking at a diploma in mechanical engineering subjects. This article’s information on Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Subjects is based in India.
Before we going to discuss all the subjects, we will understand what is mechanical engineering. So let’s get started.
What is Mechanical Engineering?
Mechanical Engineering is a branch of engineering that focuses on the design, analysis, and manufacturing of mechanical systems and operations of machinery.
One of the great things about mechanical engineering is that it is highly versatile in what you can do. It is one of the evergreen fields compared to other branches of engineering.

The major part of mechanical engineering is in construction, automotive, heating and air-conditioning, materials, robotics, the energy sector, combustion engines, and many more.
And now besides mechanical engineering classes, you’ll take a little bit of everything basically like science, electrical engineering, professional ethics & Indian constitution subjects, etc.
Now let’s take a look at the core, elective, and practical mechanical engineering subjects.
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Core Subjects
The following is a list of mandatory subjects for the Diploma in Mechanical Engineering:
- Mathematics
- Communication Skills (English)
- Applied Physics
- Applied Chemistry
- Fundamentals of Electrical & Electronics Engg.
- Hydraulics
- Fluid Mechanics
- Thermodynamics
- Theory Of Machines
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Elective Subjects
The following list of electives subjects for a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering:
- Metal Casting Science And Engineering
- Refrigeration And Air Conditioning
- Power Plant Engineering
- Non-Conventional Energy Resources
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Practical Subjects
Following is a list of practical subjects in the Diploma in Mechanical Engineering program:
- Applied Physics Lab
- Fundamentals of electrical & electronics Engg. Lab
- Engineering Workshop Practice
- Strength of Materials Lab
- Fluids Mechanics & Hydraulics Lab
- Engineering Drawing
- Thermal engineering lab
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Course Structure
The syllabus for the Diploma in Mechanical Engineering is divided into two groups: core subjects and electives subjects.
The subjects in the Diploma in Mechanical Engineering provide an introduction to engineering (physics, chemistry, and mathematics), structural engineering, fluid mechanics, applied science, machine element design, and much more.
The following are some course specifics for the diploma in mechanical engineering:
- VI Semesters
- Core and Elective subjects
- Workshops
- Final Research Project
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Subjects

The syllabus for the Diploma in Mechanical Engineering covers a wide range of topics, including applied science, design, mechanics, and English communication skills.
In the Diploma in Mechanical Engineering curriculum, there are six parts: foundations, core subjects, electives, and projects. The Diploma in Mechanical Engineering’s semester-by-semester course outline is as follows:
First Semester
1. Engineering Graphics |
2. Engineering Mathematics-I |
3. Work Shop Technology |
4. Basic Computer Skills Lab |
5. English Communication |
#1 Engineering Graphics
Let’s start with the first subject that you are about to study diploma in mechanical engineering is Engineering Graphics also called Engineering Drawing. In this subject, you’ll learn about the fundamentals of drawings such as Dimensions and types of dimensioning system, types of lines, Isometric and Orthographic projection, views, and more.
Checkout our entire articles from here: Engineering Graphics
#2 Engineering Mathematics-I
Next, you’ve Mathematics which is M1. In this, you’ll learn about the matrix, vectors, logarithms, complex numbers, and more mathematics problems and equations.
#3 Work Shop Technology
Workshop technology is number three. This subject covers the basics of mechanical engineering such as manufacturing materials like pig iron, and cast iron. Heat treatments, Manufacturing processes, metal casting, sheet metal, and more.
#4 Basic Computer Skills Lab
In this subject, you’ll learn the basics of computer programs like Microsoft Office. In this, you get full information about MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook, and more.
#5 English Communication
Last you have English communication you’ll learn to apply the basic grammar in day-to-day communication in English. Enrich their vocabulary through reading and much more.
Second Semester
1. Engineering Mathematics – II |
2. Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering |
3. Engineering Graphics-II |
4. Applied science |
5. Applied Science Lab |
6. Basic Electrical & Electronics Lab |
#1 Engineering Mathematics – II
Engineering Mathematics-2 is continued mathematics-1 from the first semester. This subject covers coordinate geometry, differential calculus, Integral calculus, differential equations, and more.
#2 Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
This subject includes the concepts of electrical current, voltage, power, energy, electrical circuits, magnetic fields, electromagnetic induction, and alternating current. Some others are transformers, motors, generators, etc.
#3 Engineering Graphics-2
The third subject Engineering Graphics-2 is the continuation of Engineering Graphic-1 from the first semester. In this subject projection of solids, a section of solids, surfaces, isometric projection, and more.
#4 Applied science
In Applied science you’ll learn the concepts of units, laws of vectors, parallel forces, a moment of force, couple. And the fundamentals of properties and behavior of the materials.
Third Semester
1. Engineering Mechanics & Strength of Materials |
2. Machine Drawing |
3. Mechanical Measurements & Metrology |
4. Manufacturing Technology-I |
5. Machine shop-I |
6. Basic workshop practice-II |
7. Mechanical Testing & Quality control Lab |
#1 Engineering Mechanics & Strength of Materials
In this subject, you’ll learn about the behavior of simple load-carrying members subjected to an axial, shear, and thermal loading, shear force, and bending moment diagram on beams under varying load conditions. Also, you’ll learn simple solid and hollow shafts for power transmission.
#2 Machine Drawing
Machine drawing covers the Understanding of drawing. which includes clear visualization of objects and proficiency in reading and interpreting. a wide variety of production and assembly drawings. Some of the chapters are Threaded Fasteners, Riveted Joints, Production Drawing, and Details of Assembly.
#3 Mechanical Measurements & Metrology
Metrology is a science of measurement. In this subject, you’ll learn the importance of the science of measurement. It is important to know how to measure and check not only the dimensions but also the strength point of view.
#4 Manufacturing Technology-I
This subject teaches you the basics of manufacturing processes like casting, welding, and joining methods, nontraditional machining processes, metal forming, and advanced machining processes like AJM, USM, EBM, and more.
Check out our entire category on unconventional marching processes from here.
Fourth semester
1. Theory of Machines |
2. Basic Thermal Engineering |
3. Manufacturing Technology-II |
4. Fluid Power Engineering and Lab |
5. Machine Shop-II |
6. Solid Modeling Lab |
#1 Theory of Machines
Hydraulic and Pneumatics This subject covers the fundamental aspects of fluid flow physics and properties of the fluid flow. and selection of hydraulic machinery for relevant applications. and you’ll learn about various flow measurement techniques.
#2 Basic Thermal Engineering
Basic Thermal Engineering, this subject will provide an understanding of the basic principles of thermodynamics. which is a must for an understanding of the major fields of a mechanical engineering system.
#3 Manufacturing Technology-II
In this subject, you’ll learn about the working of standard machine tools. such as lathe, shaper, planer, milling, grinding, and surface finishing Process and other nonconventional machining practices.
Check out our entire category on manufacturing technology from here.
#4 Fluid Power Engineering and Lab
In this subject, you’ll learn how benefits of using fluid power in manufacturing industries. How fluid power operates, its use, symbols, hydraulic components, and more.
Fifth Semester
1. Professional Ethics and Indian Constitution |
2. Thermal Engineering-II |
3. Design of machine elements |
4. Mechatronics and Lab |
5. C-Programming and MAT lab |
6. Project Work and Industrial visit |
#1 Professional Ethics and the Indian Constitution
This subject teaches you about the awareness of Engineering Ethics and Human Values. Create awareness among engineers about their social responsibilities. To Know Human rights and the concept of women empowerment. To know the features of our constitution.
#2 Applied Thermal Engineering
This course would develop knowledge and skills related to boilers, boiler mountings, and accessories, compressors, heat exchangers, steam turbines, etc. This course is thus very important for mechanical engineers.
#3 Design of machine elements
This subject provides knowledge of the design process, as well as enables the student to design simple machine components used in small and medium-scale industries.
#4 Mechatronics and Lab
This subject is to expose the students to the interdisciplinary applications of Electronics, Electrical, Mechanical, and Computer Systems for the Control of Mechanical and Electronic Systems.
#5 Industrial Management
Technicians of mechanical engineering disciplines are expected to work during most of their careers at the middle level. They are also expected to deal with workforce and management problems.
In the present era of competition, optimum utilization of resources with achieving higher productivity is essential for any industry to survive. Quality and cost controls are also other important factors that contribute to the day-to-day supervision issues.
Sixth Semester
1. Estimating and costing |
2. Automobile Engineering |
3. Computer integrated manufacturing |
4. Power plant engineering |
5. Renewable energy sources |
6. Refrigeration and air-conditioning 7. CNC and Casting Simulation lab |
8. Project work |
#1 Estimating and costing
Estimation and Costing This course will help in developing the skills required in estimating production/operation costs for budgeting and analysis.
#2 Automobile Engineering
You’ll learn the different types of automobiles. Understand the transmission of power in automobiles, steering, and braking system. And the different suspension systems of an automobile and selection of tyres for an automobile and more.
Check out our entire articles on automobile engineering from here.
#3 Computer-integrated manufacturing
The use of conventional machines is decreasing day by day. The evolution of Information Technology, a variety of manufacturing concepts with zero lead time demand, and quality consciousness has supported the fast adoption of Computer-Aided Manufacturing.
#4 Power plant Engineering
This subject is related to power generation systems. And their control and economics in the different types of power plants for their operation and maintenance.
Check out the entire category on power plant engineering from here.
#5 Renewable energy sources
This course envisages a new and renewable source of energy. In this, you’ll learn the need of energy conversion and the various methods of energy storage. Solar energy, Wind energy, Geothermal, and Tidal energy.
#6 Refrigeration and air-conditioning
Refrigeration and air-conditioning, in this subject you’ll apply knowledge of mechanical engineering related to Refrigeration and Air-conditioning equipment. And expose the importance of refrigeration equipment, their control, and repair and overhauling of these systems.
Check out the article on refrigeration and air conditioning systems.
Career as Mechanical Engineer
This is just an overview of the Diploma in Mechanical Engineering subjects. And if you are struggling with some tasks while studying you can always get some online assistance here. As a mechanical engineer, you have a lot of flexibility. You could work on cars but to be more specific you could work on improving the engine to make it more efficient.
You can work on the suspension of the car to ensure can handle the forces like could it handle going over a speed bump too fast. Or you could do crash testing and look at the materials and shape of the car to see what it can withstand and how it would affect a person inside.
Or you can maybe analyze how air flows over or through the car and optimize its aerodynamics to make it go faster from the knowledge of your fluids classes. And this could even be applied to planes or drones.
A mechanical engineer could also work with biomedical engineers on things like prosthetic body parts. They might need to help make sure the mechanism is strong enough to withstand the forces.
You have to put up with or they might have to decide what’s the best material to use. Mechanical engineers can also work on alternative forms of energy like wind farms hydroelectric solar and more.
They can work on satellites and use mechanics to analyze the vibrations during high acceleration. Or they can use thermodynamics to analyze the temperature differences that the satellites go through as they orbit the Earth.
They can work on robotics weaponry machines. And the list just goes on as you can see mechanical interiors really have no limits to what they can see in their career.
Mechanical engineering is a broad field there is a lot more thing to learn, understand, and practice in real life, you can achieve anything by becoming a mechanical engineer. You need to focus on becoming the best knowledgeable person.
That’s it, Thanks for reading if you have any questions about anything related to this topic then leave a comment I’ll respond to you. If you like this article then please share it with your friends.
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